squadhelp earn money

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 how to make money with squadhelp

A platform like Squadhelp offers a lot of options to everyone. No matter where you are in the globe, as long as you are motivated and creative, you can make as much money as you want.

I will lead you through the various ways to make actual money with them in this article, both with and without your own financial input. Let's start now.

Ways Of Making Money With Squadhelp

There are basically three ways of making money through Squadhelp and they include:

  • Participating in contests 
  • Submitting unregistered domain names
  • Listing your name on their marketplace

We will now break them down one after the other below:


  1. Participating in Contests                                                                                                                There are often contests going on since Squadhelp is so well-liked by startup business owners for handling their branding concerns.
  • Business names 
  • Taglines or Slogan
  • Logo

For each contest you win, you get paid anywhere between $135 – $500 depending on your tier and the nature of the contest. 

How To Make Money With Squadhelp


I strongly advise you to limit your activities to what you are most skilled at in order to increase your chances of success.

Stick to logo design competitions if you are a graphic designer, and enter naming competitions if you are really creative with names.


2. Submitting Unregistered Domain Names

This is a route I would personally recommend for you since it:

  • Demands zero financial involvement from you, and
  • You can quickly build up a portfolio of premium domain names without spending a penny. 

Users of Squadhelp can use a function to send unregistered domain names that are "brand-worthy" to their team of professionals for review.

They will register the domain name themselves if your submission passes their tight requirements, and they'll give you a share (30–35%) of the overall selling price that you may redeem when the name sells.


3. Listing Your Domain Name(s) On Their Marketplace

We put it last on the list since you have to have a good domain name before you think about selling it.

Many people own domain names they purchased for a project that either failed or never really took off. If the asset is excellent enough, Squadhelp offers you a way to profit from it.

How To Make Money With Squadhelp


Although you most likely don't have one, we produced an article that will show you how to acquire names that satisfy Squadhelp's requirements as well as how to earn money from domain names in general. Check that out, please.

You might be asking if that's all there is to earning money using the Squadhelp platform now that we've covered the fundamental strategies. There is more, though, and that is what we shall cover next.


Other Ways of Making Money With Squadhelp

There are numerous additional methods to make money using the Squadhelp platform. Check them out below.

Designing a logo: This is quite different from the typical logo competitions we previously discussed.

This event entails creating logos for the hundreds of domain names that sellers on the Squadhelp marketplace are offering for sale, in contrast to those held to fulfill orders placed by business owners at Squadhelp.

How To Make Money With Squadhelp


You must "pass" the screening process for new designers, thus you must have a portfolio of designs.

How to Become an Expert Assessor: You can apply to work as an expert name evaluator at Squadhelp if you have extensive experience in branding and know what makes a good brand name.

In determining which domain names are appropriate for the Squadhelp premium marketplace, you will be joining a large number of other participants.


The Golden Rule

So far, we have discussed how to use Squadhelp to make money. The essential considerations we omitted from our discussion.

You must cultivate the following qualities in order to succeed on the platform:

Knowledge of domaining: If you plan to enter name competitions, having a firm grasp of domaining will make your life a lot simpler.

This is due to the strict requirements for names to be accepted into the market.

To put it into perspective, less than 10% of the names that are submitted for consideration are accepted.

How To Make Money With Squadhelp


Therefore, in order for you to have a chance of increasing your inventory and making a really interesting side investment that didn't cost you a dime, your entries must be of the greatest caliber.

Patience: This is not a quick-money scam where you may suddenly become wealthy. You need a lot of patience because, without it, you'll quickly become exhausted and frustrated.

Look at the usage patterns of current logos in the industry. Keep an eye out for how they "link" to the name they were intended for.

Spend some time researching the types of team names that have already received market approval.

How To Make Money With Squadhelp


To get a much speedier outcome, keep a close eye on the "sold" names part of your dashboard to better understand what the end consumers enjoy and make your submissions in that vein. 

Final Words

Hopefully, this essay has shown you new strategies for using the Squadhelp platform to earn legal money online.

To achieve results, you only need time and commitment. Many people like you generate a respectable side income via websites that follow a concept similar to that of Squadhelp.
