ISL202 assignmentNo.1 2022 Download Solution File

Shahzaib Rasool
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ISL202 Assignement  Solution

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Question: Sincerity is the spirit of worships and actions. Allah Almighty accepts only those actions that are based on sincerity. One of the most important characteristics of the believers described by Allah Almighty in the Holy Qur'an is that their acts of worship and deeds are only for the pleasure of Allah Almighty. The Holy Quran States: هّٰللاَ ُم ْخِل ِصْی َن لَهُ الِ دْی َن ا اِاَّل ِلیَ ْعبُ ُدوا ِم ُر ْوۤ اُ ۤ َو َما )البینۃ5 :98( Translation: And they have been commanded no more than this: To worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion.


Sincerity means being deeply devoted to Allah by heart. A sincere person has a

deep fear for Allah, profoundly believes in Him, sees and advocates the

righteousness in the best way. A sincere person is the one who believes in Allah

with certainty, the Hereafter, prophets, the Heaven and the Hell and angels.

Followings are the five ways by which we can develop sincerity in our worships

and actions.


1.       BE GENUINE










Be genuine

Each of these virtues includes a vertical

dimension (in relation to Allah) and a horizontal dimension (in relation to other

people); they tell us how to behave with Allah and how to behave with others.

Virtues in Islam such as these act as guiding principles in all of our affairs, from

our mundane daily interactions to the conduct of nations and everything in

between. They are meant to be in the front of our minds at all times, to be

considered in all of our decisions.


Be genuine


In Islam, we must always practice our faith with sincerity (a/-ikhlas), honesty (al-

sidq), and goodwill (al-nasihah). Each of these virtues includes a vertical

dimension (in relation to Allah) and a horizontal dimension (in relation to other

people); they tell us how to behave with Allah and how to behave with others.

Virtues in Islam such as these act as guiding principles in all of our affairs, from

our mundane daily interactions to the conduct of nations and everything in

between. They are meant to be in the front of our minds at all times, to be

considered in all of our decisions.


By avoiding praise


The Prophet heard a man praise a man and extol him in praise, so he said: “You have

destroyed or cut the back of the man.” We should always strive to be loved by people,

but we should never be boastful. Always remind yourself that this is all from

Allah. Our rank in this dunya doesn’t elevate our ranks in the eyes of Allah.

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